Legal Notice

Corresponding to the directives of article 6-III and 19 of Law number 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for the Confidence of the digital economy, known as L.C.E.N., we bring to the attention of the users of the website: gangloff-scoma. com the following information:

1. Legal data:

The website is the exclusive property of SASU Gangloff Scoma, which provides it.

Phone number: 04 72 23 50 38

27 rue de la cote 69720 ST LAURENT DE MURE
Registered with the RCS (Register of Commerce and Companies) at number 52754214600040

Num. Intra-community VAT: FR58527542146
Email address:

Head of publication: Mr Roudet Benjamin

Or contact the Publication Manager:

Designer: Conrad-Media agency
Contact the director:

This website is hosted by:


61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus
can be reached by the following means:

2. Presentation and principle:

Any Internet user connecting and using the website: is considered to have used the site.
The website brings together several services, in the state, made available to users. It is specified here that they must remain courteous and show good faith both towards the various users and towards the director of the site

The Gangloff-Scoma company endeavors to offer the most realistic information possible on the site (subject to modifications), but cannot guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of the information transmitted on its site, whether by itself or by the third party partners who provide it with this information. In dependence, the user acknowledges using the information given (for information only, not exhaustive and likely to evolve) under his exclusive responsibility.

3. Digital Accessibility:

The website is mainly accessible to users 24/7, except in the event of interruption, planned or not, for the purposes of its update or force majeure. In the event of an unavailable service, undertakes to do its utmost to restore access to the site. Being subordinated only to a royalty of means, could not be designated as responsible for concerns, whatever their nature, resulting from the unavailability of the service.

4. Intellectual Property Rights:

Gangloff-Scoma is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights or holds the rights and authorizations to use all the elements accessible on the website, both in terms of structure and texts, images, graphics, icons. , sounds, software…
Any reproduction, even partial, of the website, display, edition, total or partial adaptation of one of these elements, whatever the means or process used, is strictly prohibited, except with the prior written authorization of Mr. .Roudet Benjamin, failing which, it will be considered as constituting an infringement and liable to prosecution in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

5. Hypertext links and cookies:

The website includes a certain number of hypertext links to various sites (partnerships, information, etc.) set up with the agreement of the Gangloff-Scoma company. However, the company Gangloff-Scoma does not have the possibility of controlling all the elements of the various sites visited, and therefore declines all responsibility concerning the risks of illegal content.
The user is advised that during his navigation on the website, a where different cookies are able to be mechanically integrated on his computer via his computer navigation software. A cookie is an assembly of computer data which does not allow to know who uses it, nevertheless which records indications relating to the navigation of the user on the following site.
The configuration of the navigation program makes it possible to notify of the cookie company and, possibly, to refuse the procedure explained at this following address: The user can nevertheless configure the browser of his computer in order to reject the installation of cookies, being aware that the refusal to install a cookie may result in the impossibility of having access to various services. Regarding any blocking of cookies, search in the search engine: blocking of cookies and apply the explanations related to your browser version.

6. Protection of people & property – Management of personal data:

In France, personal data is notably protected by law n° 78-87 of January 6, 1978, law n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code as well as the European Directive of October 24, 1995.

On the site, the Gangloff-Scoma company does not request any personal information (according to article 4 of the law n°78-17 of January 06, 1978) relating to the user except for the need for several services made available. available through the website. The user provides the data with full knowledge of the facts, particularly when he performs the data entry himself. It is then summarized to the user of the site the constraint or not to enter this data.
In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 concerning data processing, files and the various freedoms, all users have a right of access to information, rectification, deletion and opposition to all personal information concerning him. To use it, send a request to by email: or by handwritten letter duly signed, attached with a copy of an identity document as well as a signature of the owner of the document, mentioning the address to which the reply should be sent.

No personal information of the user of the internal site is published without the consent of the user, bartered, transferred, sold on any medium to groups. Only the assumption of sale of the site and its rights authorizes the company Gangloff-Scoma to transmit information to the purchaser who would then in turn be bound by the same obligation to store and modify data concerning the user of the internal site
The site is in compliance with the GDPR (see our GDPR policy).

The databases are protected by the obligations of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996 regarding the legal protection of BDDs (databases).

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